Build more landing pages

...and add greater context to the selling process.

Short Form Email + Long Form Landing Page

Shopify creates a problem.

You think in 3 dimensions:

  • Home Page

  • Collection Page

  • Product Page

Which places a creative limitation on your work. Why? On traditional Shopify Themes those pages are controlled by the master template - the structure your Shopify theme creates pages within. Advancements came with Shopify 2.0 however, there are still store owners out there restricting their work to the template.

So, when it comes to creating new pages, you're kinda stuck without coding skills.

Email gives you a more flexible canvas to work from. So, it feels like a more natural, more creative place to create. Which is great.

What if you had that flexibility within Shopify though? You do. I use Shogun as a go-to platform for building landing pages. It's cheap. You can a/b test it. It's measurable. It's flexible.

This then allows me to keep emails short and on-point. The email is then used as a mechanism to create a hook... 'you interested?'.

It's contrary thinking to how you receive these emails. I don't offer a hook because I have nothing to sell. This is purely an educational service.

For you, it's different. You do have something to sell. Do your selling on your landing page where Add to Cart is just one click away. Use the email as a method to harness interest. Keep it short. Design it well. Use focused headline copy and a compelling (potentially fun?) call to action... I'm looking at you 'Shop Now'... tsk.

Here's the lesson. Think of your email flows and campaigns as a simple way to create interest. Let your landing pages do the selling. Focus your time on the landing page as a place to emphasise product benefits and highlight customer reviews.

Yes, this is also a more measurable way of creating campaigns. It gets subscribers to your store. That's nice for remarketing (it's also great for SEO) but it's not the key factor.

You're taking the conversation from their place (the inbox) to your place (your store). You're having the conversation within touching distance of the till... that's where purchases are made. It's a shorter walk.

Create more landing pages.


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