Numbers. Seemingly Random Numbers.

and why it matters to have a clear discounting strategy

Random Numbers.

I have absolutely no freakin' idea how much this is going to cost me. When we talk exclusively in percentage terms we can lose our potential customer's willingness to buy.

Here's what I mean. Email arrives...

I click the button and receive this....

Okay, let's remind ourselves it was 50% off with a £20 savings on the next order.

Now I'm offered 30% off my first delivery... gotcha.

and by the time I've closed all the popups I'm greeted with...

Just wow.

And I'd like to laugh, but I can't. You see this is happening all the time.

  • Conflicting discounts

  • Popups that aren't excluded from promotional emails (it's so easy to do)

  • A landing page that conflicts with the original offer

  • No mention of £ or $ (I still have no idea how much this will cost me)

And it really is the simple stuff. Taking a walk in your customer's shoes to see what they see.

Who signs this stuff off? Which marketer doesn't make the effort to ensure consistent clear messaging.

I haven't even mentioned the half dozen daily emails punting the 50% discount (with multiple requests to fill out surveys before I've even bought the stuff).

I'd love to try Dash. I really would. But at the same time, when so many numbers are thrown at me I become focused on price. And if I don't 'believe' I'm getting the best offer... I'll wait. I'll hesitate. I'll unsubscribe and move on.

I'm not privy to whether Dash are working wonders with this campaign. They may have super high retention rates because the stuff tastes so bloody good.

Maybe I'm too much of cynic. I just believe we, as consumers, deserve to be treated a little better.


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