A little humility isn’t a bad thing

Which products do we feature on our homepage? Can we add another slider to the homepage carousel to push our new service? Can we include a banner promoting our facebook page? Can you feature my blog on your homepage?

We’ve all been involved in the meetings.

The answer is ‘yes’. To accommodate all requirements we clutter our homepage with multiple messages offering multiple directives to our ever confused audience.

Our audience, who should be represented first and foremost, aren’t offered the empty chair.

What if…

Like it or not, as consumers, our minds are very rarely made up when we visit your website. Sometimes we’re ready to buy. Sometimes we’re ready to investigate. Oftentimes, we’re struggling to answer one simple question.

How do you direct my attention? How do you predict my predicament? How do you garner my interest?

What if…. you told me what you do and asked me in? What if you removed all the clutter and recognised the sole reason I was on your website?

That’s what Ghost.org do.

Ghost.org Blog Platform Homepage DesignOftentimes, our sole intention is to simply ‘find out more’. Our job, as marketers, is to invite people in.

Ghost.org break convention. They’ve removed clutter, removed features, carousels and promotions. They break their offering down into one ultra-modest statement. They offer nothing more than ‘just a blogging platform’. Isn’t that the essence of marketing?

Are you bold enough to break convention and launch a homepage that offers one single message ‘to find out more’?

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

2 Comments on “A little humility isn’t a bad thing”

  1. YES. I saw a site this morning with three separate carousels on the homepage. One rotated brand-type messages and images, one had product detail and one was testimonial quotes. Yikes.

    — @wittlake

    1. Hey Eric – thanks for stopping by. Sounds like the site just needed a ‘news’ animated gif of a dog running with a newspaper in its mouth to complete the design mashup!

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